Sridevi has been promoting her upcoming film ‘Mom’ these days. But she faces more questions about daughter Jhanvi, than her film. The young one is already an internet sensation and everyone is wondering when will that big debut happen.
However, there are bad sides to this fame as well. The paparazzi never leaves you alone, and you’re always under the scanner. Recently, rumours of Jhanvi following her crush Ranbir Kapoor to a party also broke the internet. Since she is new to the world, doesn’t Jhanvi get upset? She does, says mom Sridevi. (Also Read: What kind of a man does Jhanvi Kapoor want? Mom Sridevi reveals…)
“There is nothing wrong in going out with friends. A person wants to write something wrong, he will write it even if you are just going out with friends. I can’t stop that as she is a public figure. I have no control over anything,” the actress told a news agency.
“Since it’s happening in the beginning of her career, she isn’t liking it. She was quite upset and I was like, ‘Welcome to this world’. I know what she is doing and where she is going. I am a very friendly mom and my children share everything with me. I don’t have anything much to say about all this,” she added.
Time will probably teach you the tricks to cope with this, Jhanvi!
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.