Priyanka Chopra is a busy girl. The ‘Baywatch’ actress has reportedly left for the USA with her hubby Nick Jonas. The couple earlier this month got married in Rajasthan’s Jodhpur in an intimate and close ceremony. The lovebirds on December 20 threw a reception bash in Mumbai for their Bollywood friends and it was quite an event.
Now, you must be wondering why did Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan and Akshay Kumar didn’t come to the reception. It has been reported that PeeCee allegedly shares a testy and not so cordial relationship with SRK and Akshay Kumar due to personal reasons.
But, to put all the speculations to the rest, we now know the reason. According to the reports in DNA, Aamir Khan is currently in China for the promotion of his film, ‘Thugs of Hindostan’. Shah Rukh, on the other hand, had hosted a special screening of ‘Zero’ the very same night for his cast and crew at his house Mannat with his wife Gauri Khan.
And for Akshay Kumar, he has been spending time with his son Aarav who is here for the winter break. The reception party in Mumbai saw a big surprise when Salman Khan made an appearance despite their alleged differences. And we also had, another newlywed couple in Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh gracing the occasion.
Now, NickYanka will be throwing a lavish reception party in Los Angeles for their friends from the Hollywood industry.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas to host their fourth reception in Los Angeles
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