Bollywood actors Jackie Shroff and Ayesha Shroff named their son Jai Shroff, they never for a moment thought he will get the name tag of Tiger. The 24-year-old actor’s real name is Jai but he’s officially Tiger now, for the movies. Tiger Shroff confesses that he is given this name tag due to a habit of his .
As per sources, Tiger said, “It’s not a long story, it’s a funny story though. I used to bite people when I was young. Biting and scratching was something that I did. Therefore was given this tag of Tiger.”
Sources further added that when Tiger was asked how would he define ‘Heropanti. He said, “‘To stand up for what you feel is right. That’s how I sum up heropanti basically.”
Well soon Tigers’ fans will judge for themselves whether Tiger has earned his stripes or not.