Times are not good for filmmaker Subhash Kapoor. In the wake of Me Too movement, Aamir Khan has decided to walk out of Gulshan Kumar’s biopic ‘Mogul’ stating he doesn’t want to associate himself with anyone involved in sexual misconduct cases. Soon after Aamir’s announcement, producer Bhushan Kumar dropped Subhash from the film.
Now after being dropped from Aamir Khan’s ‘Mogul‘, Subhash has lost one more big project. Yes as per a report in Mid-Day, Ekta Kapoor has sacked Subhash as the showrunner of her upcoming web series, ‘The Verdict’.
A source close to the development told the daily, “After Ekta came on board as one of the core committee members of the Producers’ Guild that aims to address the issue of sexual harassment at workplace, it was brought to her notice that Subhash has an ongoing case against him. Ekta immediately decided to remove him from the show.”
Reportedly Ekta’s production house Balaji won’t work with Subhash until the criminal proceedings against him are finished. On the other hand, Subhash said that he respects Aamir’s decision but he will prove his innocence in the court of law.
Looks like the ‘Me Too’ effect is going to affect everyone whose name is cropping up in this never-ending list of sexual harassers. For more updates on this story keep watching this space.
Also Read: Aamir Khan backs out of Gulshan Kumar biopic ‘Mogul’ in the wake of #MeToo movement
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