Suhana Khan has maintained a low profile in the last few days. She has not been quite active on social media. The star kid has also refrained from sharing pictures of her on Instagram. However, her friends from the US have managed to keep Suhana’s fans updated with her whereabouts. Last, during Halloween 2021, Suhana’s friend, Priyanka Kedia took to her Instagram stories to give a glimpse of the star kid dressing up as Princess Jasmin. On Sunday, Khan’s friend shared a string of photos and videos featuring Suhana and her.
Suhana’s friend shared an adorable picture of her tightly hugging the star kid. The picture is too cute for words. Khan is wearing a long-sleeved sweater shirt and her friend is wearing a netted top. Priyanka shared another video of Suhana from their time in New York. The video shows Suhana enacting, reacting to her friend’s directions. Eventually, towards the end of the video, Suhana bursts out laughing.
Take a look at the posts below:
Another picture of Suhana Khan is a silhouette clicked at the park. Suhana is wearing a long black jacket for her outing and has left her long tresses down. In the picture, Khan is seen strolling in the park. She is clicked when she was busy on her phone. The star kid looked mesmerizing.
See the photo below:
Meanwhile, the star kid made her latest post on the birthday of her father, superstar Shah Rukh Khan. She posted a throwback picture from her childhood and wished SRK. Suhana also wished her BFF Shanaya Kapoor, who shares her birthday with Shah Rukh. Earlier, Suhana had shared a picture with her brother Aryan Khan and SRK, after Aryan was granted bail in the cruise ship drug seizure case.
Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan gets a sweet kiss from baby Suhana Khan in adorable birthday post