Suhana Khan, who has been hitting the headlines with her Maldives pictures, has yet again managed to grab the attention of cinema lovers. The star kid, who came back to India after graduating from a college in the UK, is currently taking belly dance tutorials. We wonder if Suhana is gearing up for her big Bollywood break!
Apparently, there were reports that Suhana Khan is gearing up for her Bollywood debut. While there were no official announcements about the same, the beauty is making herself a pro at belly dancing. A few months back, we had already heard about Suhana acing her acting skills in a London play – ‘Romeo and Juliet’. Now, with her dance class pictures, Suhana has surely raised the excitement among her followers. Check out her pictures right here.
Interestingly, the same trainer is also training Suhana‘s bestie – Shanaya Kapoor. Sanjay Kapoor’s daughter recently surprised everyone as she is also gearing up for her Bollywood debut. The star kid is currently working as an assistant director for Janhvi Kapoor’s upcoming film ‘Kargil Girl’.
For more such Bollywood updates, stay tuned to Bollywood Bubble.
Also Read: Suhana Khan’s beach look from Maldives vacay has gone viral on the internet
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