Suhana Khan, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut shared photos on her Instagram, from the journal on acting she received from her father, superstar Shah Rukh Khan. The Archies actress said she is seeking some Tuesday inspiration. Suhana Khan shared photos on Instagram of the journal received from Shah Rukh Khan, a day after wrapping up the schedule of The Archies.
Taking to her Instagram, the Archies actress wrote, “Tuesday inspiration,” sharing photos from her journal gifted by her ‘Papa’ on ‘Acting’. In one of the photos, Suhana gave a glimpse of a tip that SRK shared, dating 2014.
Shah Rukh Khan took to the comments section of the post and told Suhana that he put everything he doesn’t know about acting in the journal. In his comment, SRK wrote, “Everything I don’t know of acting I have put it there for you to learn and teach me back, little one.”
Take a look at the post made by Suhana Khan below:
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Earlier on Monday, Zoya Akhtar made a post on her Instagram, announcing the wrap of her directorial, The Archies. The filmmaker shared the post and wrote, “Archieeeeeessssss! Film Wrap. Best Crew. Best Cast. Only Gratitude.” She even dropped photos featuring Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor and Agastya Nanda. Suhana took to her Instagram to even announce the wrap up of The Archies shoot.
Check out her post below:
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Meanwhile, Suhana is all set to make her Bollywood debut with The Archies directed by Zoya Akhtar. The star kid will feature alongside Boney Kapoor and Sridevi’s daughter, Khushi Kapoor and Amitabh Bachchan’s grandson, Agastya Nanda.
On the work front, SRK is gearing up for the release of his movie, Pathan. The actor also has Dunki with Rajkumar Hirani and Jawan with Atlee, in his kitty.