Sunil Grover-starrer ‘Coffee With D’ has been garnering a lot of attention of late. Based on a journalist who chases an underworld don for a live interview, the film has apparently irked the lieutenants of Dawood Ibrahim and his right hand Chota Shakeel. The makers also received calls, threatening them not to humiliate Dawood through the film.
Also Read: Oscar winning film ‘Frost Nixon’ is the inspiration behind Sunil Grover’s ‘Coffee with D’
Following all the mess, director Vishal Mishra and producer Vinod Ramani decided the postpone the film’s release date. ‘Coffee With D’ was earlier supposed to be the first release of 2017. Now, it has been shifted to 20th of January. They also came up with a new poster. Check it out:
The film takes strong references from 1993 Mumbai Blast which was allegedly initiated by Dawood Ibrahim and his followers. Since last few days, following the threat calls, the makers have been provided with police protection. With this, we can hope that it will have a safe release!
Apart from Sunil Grover, ‘Coffee With D’ also stars Pankaj Tripathi, Anjana Sukhani, Dipannita Sharma and Zakir Hussain in pivotal roles.
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Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.