Actor Director and often referred to as “Action King of Bollywood” – Sunny Deol had made his directorial debut in 1999 with Dillagi. This multi-talented actor who will be seen soon in his next film ‘Singh Saab The Great’ is yearning to direct a movie.
As per sources, Sunny said, “I am itching to direct a film. There is a director in me, who is desperately wanting to do something. But I am holding it for a year or two. The subject of the film can be anything which strikes me.”
He also spoke about his expectations for Singh Sahab and its director Anil Sharma. “After a couple of years I am doing a solo film, I am very keen for this film to do well. I am expecting this will let me know what I am going to be doing tomorrow. I have a great belief in the subject as Sharmaji and I have always given good films,” he said.
The actor said he likes collaborating with the director. “Sharmaji has always come up with the story which I love and we have always challenged each other because he has come up with subjects which are widely different,” he said.
Deol may be famous for his action roles and angry one-liners but the actor says he does opt for other genres. “Every actor is doing what they are successful with.
‘Singh Sahab the Great’ is a film which is very dramatic and complete, that’s why I am doing it. There are couple of films of mine which are coming after this and they belong to different genres,” he said.
“I would be doing ‘I Love New Year’, which is an out and out rom-com and completely different to who I am. In ‘Mohalla Assi’, I am playing a Sanskrit teacher. I also did a comedy before this. I am doing all the genres,” he added.
Sunny also is trying to make a sequel to his film ‘Ghayal’.
“‘Ghayal’ sequel is a film which I have been trying to make desperately, but somehow I don’t know what’s wrong with my luck. I tried out the first time when we started with the promo and unfortunately things went wrong. The second time it could not take place either. This is the third time I am working on it and this time I can’t say much about it, the story line is finalised though,” he added.
It is for the first time that the publicity shy actor has been promoting a film on so many different plans. Deol feels that making movies is increasingly becoming costly and he believes critics should not be harsh with their ratings as it hurts the producer.
“Making a film has become an expensive affair, so that is why I keep requesting all my journalist friends and critics to be a little lenient with the films because the hard work of the crew and the money of the filmmakers, are all at stake. I don’t think one should give stars or ratings to a film,” he said.