Sunny Leone recently welcomed twins via surrogacy with husband Daniel Weber. The actress had earlier adopted a baby girl named Nisha. Sunny and Daniel made the first public appearance with their kids a few days back. Talking about her professional life, Sunny just had a photoshoot done by Tomas Moucka, a hair and make-up stylist. We are aware of the fact that how time and again Sunny Leone raises the temperature with her sizzling pictures that she shares on social media platforms.
The 37-year-old actress recently shared pictures from her latest summer photo shoot. Sunny took to Instagram and captioned the picture as ,” Here’s to not holding back and just letting go ;). Photo by @tomasmoucka”. (Also Read: Sunny Leone is making summers hotter with her latest photoshoot!)
Check out her pictures right here-
The actress looked extremely gorgeous but like always was brutally trolled for her pictures. Few of the Instagram users slammed and poked at her pictures, the rest left disgusting comments on her picture. Have a look at few of the nasty comments below-
On the work front, Sunny will be next seen playing herself in a biopic titled, ‘Karenjit Kaur: The Untold Story of Sunny Leone’ which will be aired as web series.