Actress Sunny Leone was ready to attend the DJ night event in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, at the Illuzion Pub on November 30. However, the event was cancelled at the last minute after police refused to give permission, citing procedural lapses by the organisers.
Sunny Leone’s Hyderabad event cancelled last minute over organisers’ lapses
The live concert was scheduled for Saturday between 11 p.m. and 12:30 a.m., and Sunny Leone was flown to Hyderabad to perform. Nearly 500 tickets of the event were sold as per Book My Show. The organisers went ahead with the event despite the denial of permission, according to the reports.
The creators were then forced to call off the event when the Jubilee Hills police arrived and assembled outside the pub. From 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., around 100 police officers were stationed at the location. Around 8 p.m., people began to arrive and vented their disgust over the entire disaster.
Sunny Leone led Hyderabad event gets cancelled last minute due to health issue
The message of the event cancellation was displayed on TV explaining the reason. The message read, “Due to health issues, Sunny Leone will not be performing today. However, the club will continue with Bollywood Night as planned. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.”