A team of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has started their probe into Sushant Singh Rajput’s death. The CBI first interrogated Sushant’s cook Neeraj Singh and later his flatmate and friend Siddharth Pithani. The latest update states that CBI will be grilling both Siddharth and Neeraj again as their statements are not consistent.
Yesterday, the team of CBI even recreated the crime at Sushant’s Bandra apartment.
Both Pithani and Singh were present at Sushant’s flat on the day of his demise. According to ANI report, the team of CBI were at Sushant’s flat for almost 5 hours and Pithani and Singh were also present. They recreated the crime scene. The officials even went to the building’s terrace. They reportedly tried to see if suicide was possible at the spot.
Also according to a Times Now report, earlier today both Singh and Pithani were seen at the DRDO guest house where the CBI officials are staying currently.
The same report further said that both Singh and Pithani will be grilled again by the officials as apparently they have given contradicting statements. Sushant’s home staff Dipesh Sawant will also be grilled by the officials.
#Breaking | Forensic team of the CFSL is at DRDO guest house. 6 forensic doctors have arrived to meet CBI officials.
TIMES NOW’s Tamal & Waji with a ground report. | #SushantInvestigation pic.twitter.com/MewFOxYeH7
— TIMES NOW (@TimesNow) August 23, 2020
The team of CBI attempts to piece together the events of June 13 and 14 leading up to the moment when Sushant’s body was discovered. Apparently, CBI might also question Rhea Chakraborty today.
Meanwhile, Sushant’s cousin and BJP MLA Neeraj Kumar Singh Bablu has raised question over Sandip Ssingh’s involvement in the case and he is hoping that CBI will investigate him as well.
For more updates on this case, stay tuned to Bollywood Bubble.
Also Read: Sushant Singh Rajput’s post-mortem was done on the same day he died as per his sister’s request
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