Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case has been taking new turns with each passing day. After the centre accepted the CBI probe to solve the suspicious cause of the late actor’s demise, Rhea Chakraborty’s lawyer has finally opened up about being ‘satisfied with the outcome’ of SC hearing on their plea to get a transfer of the FIR to Mumbai from Patna. Satish Maneshinde also stated that his client will refrain from making any comments on the case as of now.
The latest report in India Today quoted Rhea’s lawyer speaking about the Supreme Court’s proceedings. He informed the portal that, “The Petition in the SC will be heard in the next week. All concerned have to file their replies in the mean time. State of Maharashtra is directed to place all the investigation steps taken in the case before the SC. We are satisfied with the outcome of the hearing. In view of the pendency of the proceedings in SC Rhea or any one on her behalf refrain from making any comments in the case.”
On Wednesday, Supreme Court apparently has asked Mumbai Police, Patna Police and Sushant’s family members to file the replies on Rhea Chakraborty’s plea that seeks a transfer of the FIR filed in Patna to Mumbai. However, the three parties are reportedly yet to react on the same.
For the unversed, the actress has been missing for over a week now, after KK Singh filed an FIR against her with the Patna police. He accused her of unlawful confinement and abetment of suicide. CBI officials are expected to travel to Patna and collect case files and other material from the Patna police to proceed the development in the case.
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