Sushant Singh Rajput’s swansong ‘Dil Bechara’ is releasing on OTT platform Disney+Hotstar on July 24. The movie also stars Sanjana Sanghi, Saif Ali Khan and Sahil Vaid. Mukesh Chhabra has made his debut as a director with this movie. The trailer of ‘Dil Bechara’ rolled out on July 6 and it has become the first film trailer on YouTube to receive more than 10 million ‘likes’. Earlier, it had gained 70 million views in less than 10 days; breaking all the records on the video-sharing platform. Also, it broke the record of ‘Avengers: Endgame’ and ‘Infinity War’ by receiving 4 million likes in just eight hours.
The trailer has both heart and soul. While Sushant and Sanjana are playing the main leads in the movie, Sahil Vaid, too, has an important part to play. He is playing JP, Kizie (Sanjana) and Manny’s (Sushant) best friend. Sahil shared with us his fondest memories and conversations with Sushant.
Like, everyone, it was also not easy for Sahil to come to terms with Sushant’s death. He is someone who can’t react to someone’s death in a conventional way as he has seen many deaths in his own family. He lost his father, grandfather and his dear friend a few years back. So, the sudden death of Sushant’s took a lot of time for him to process. He didn’t even comment or post anything on Sushant’s death as he is someone who can’t express himself in this kind of situations. Sahil is surprised why Sushant had taken the drastic step of ending his life.
Sahil said, “I’m sad that I didn’t get to know him (Sushant) as much as I would have because we just began our friendship. We have met two years ago at the film and we started talking to each other and eventually, we realised our interests are the same. We both would sit and talk about physics, Albert Einstein, cosmology, programming, bikes, etc. I couldn’t talk about all these kinds of stuff with other people because they used to get bored. Sushant was one guy with whom I could have those conversations.” Sahil also said that their favourite conversation was about bikes. He bought a sports bike because both had promised each other that they would go for rides soon. He added, “Sushant always used to say, “If you want to do something, just do it, it will be fun”.
Recalling one of the interesting conversations with Sushant, Sahil said, “We were having a conversation how trance music can help while you workout and I was working out a lot those days. I was listening to that music.”
He is happy that Sushant is getting the love that he deserves adding, “The beauty about the film is that that there are honest performances and it’s all heart.”
Sahil is equally as excited as we are to watch ‘Dil Bechara’ on July 24.
Also Read: ‘Dil Bechara’: Trailer of Sushant Singh Rajput’s last film breaks THIS record on YouTube