While it has been more than two weeks since Sushant Singh Rajput’s demise, the news hasn’t sunk in yet. His fans are finding it hard to cope that their idol is no more. Sushant’s fans have been showing their love and support even after his unfortunate death and one of them has even named a star after the late actor as a token of their love for him.
A fan took to his Twitter account to share the news with Sushant’s other fans. His tweet read, “Sushant had always been so fond of the stars & thus I found it quite fitting to name one after him. ? I shall forever be blessed to have witnessed such a beautiful & profound soul. may you continue to shine brightest! ?(sic).”
In the same tweet, he also shared a picture of the certificate of registration which read, “Let it be known to all that the star residing at the astronomically verified position of RA 22.121 and Declination – 10.14 is hereby named for June 25, 2020, as Sushant Singh Rajput. The name is permanently filed in the Registry’s vault and copyrighted with The Star Register with all rights and privileges attended thereto.”
sushant had always been so fond of the stars & thus i found it quite fitting to name one after him. 💫 i shall forever be blessed to have witnessed such a beautiful & profound soul. may you continue to shine brightest! 💛@itsSSR#sushantsinghrajput #sushantinourheartsforever pic.twitter.com/c92u9yz1Sg
— raksha. (@xAngelWingz) June 29, 2020
Sushant was really fond of astronomy and he had purchased quite an expensive telescope to stargaze from his house. Sushant was also reportedly said to own a piece of land on the moon!
The 34-year-old actor died on June 14.
Also Read: Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti shares a motivational handwritten note by the actor