Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti often shares pictures and videos of her late brother on her Instagram. Whether remembering him on his birth and death anniversary or fighting for justice, Shweta has always ensured to share something on her social media page. As we speak, she took to her gram and dropped a series of videos. His sister was grateful to Sri Lanka for remembering her brother Sushant Singh Rajput.
Shweta shared the video which read, “In the loving memory of Sushant Singh Rajput. Sushant it’s hard without you. But you know you in heaven smiling down watching us while we pray for you until the day we meet again.” She also shared the clips of the video that played in several other cities.
Shweta wrote, “We are deeply grateful for Sri Lanka’s remembrance and honor of my beloved brother, Sushant Singh Rajput. Your unwavering solidarity in our pursuit of justice is a powerful source of hope. Together, we demand justice for Sushant, united and determined. The love and support we have received from Sri Lanka are immeasurable. Your compassion and solidarity serve as a testament to the profound impact. Sushant had on lives, transcending borders and touching hearts. Thank you for your unwavering support. #justiceforsushantsinghrajput.”
Sushant Singh Rajput being remembered by Sri Lanka
Sushant Singh Rajput death Anniversary
Sushant passed away on June 14, 2020, after reportedly hanging himself in his Bandra apartment. On his death anniversary, his sister Shweta shared a post for her brother Sushant Singh Rajput and wrote, “Love you Bhai, and salute to your intelligence. I miss you every moment. But I know you are a part of me now…. You have become as integral as my breath. Sharing a few nooks recommended by him. Let’s live him by being him. #SushantIsAlive“
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