Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput has launched the motion poster of his upcoming movie ‘Rifleman’ on Army Day. At a time when citizens were paying tribute to soldiers by posting pictures and videos on social media to mark the Army Day on January 15, Sushant Rajput decided to announce his next project ‘Rifleman’. The film will talk about the story of an Indian soldier.
Sushant Singh, who made his Bollywood debut with film ‘Kai Po Che’ in the year 2013, was last seen in ‘Kedarnath’ opposite Sara Ali Khan. He has several projects lined up for this year including ‘Sonchiriya‘, ‘Chichhore’, ‘Kizie Aur Manny’ and ‘Drive’. While ‘Sonchiriya’ is a dacoit drama which also stars Manoj Bajpayee and Bhumi Pednekar, ‘Kizie Aur Manny’ will be the Hindi adaptation of John Green’s bestseller ‘The Fault In Our Stars’.
Check Out ‘Rifleman’s teaser below:
Sushant’s last film ‘Kedarnath‘ was set against the backdrop of the devastating Kedarnath floods of 2013. It starred Sushant Singh Rajput as a Muslim porter. After getting rave reviews by the audience, he had told news agency IANS, “I am really happy with the audience’s response to the film. When an actor’s work gets appreciated then it feels good because through that, he gets an encouragement.”
According to reports, ‘Kedarnath’ made a collection of Rs 65 crore at the domestic box office.
We wish Sushant all the best for his future and hope that all his upcoming films are successful at the box office.
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Also Read: No laundry for ‘Team Sonchiriya’; here’s why!
Omair Iqbal is a journalist who loves to discover new things on the internet. He is an enthusiastic movie lover.
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