Kartik Aaryan is definitely the rising star of Bollywood with his film ‘Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety’ garnering more than 100 crores at the box office. Recently, Kartik Aaryan set an example for all of us to follow by keeping a banana peel in his pocket.
Indeed, Bollywood stars are role models for the rest of us, and by this act, Kartik has proven that he is a responsible citizen of the country. Take a look at the picture below.
Earlier, in an interview, Kartik Aaryan had spoken about how digitization is making us miss the real moments of life. “With the onslaught of digitization, I feel we are somewhere missing out on enjoying the real moments of life. I believe in living in the now and so should you. So, put your phones down and indulge in a game or two like just the way I am doing and simply have fun with your friends,” he said in a statement.
Indeed, Kartik is an ideal role model for everyone to follow and we hope that his career goes from strength to strength. On the work front, Kartik will be seen along with Kriti Sanon is ‘Luka Chuppi’, which is a film that is slated to release in March 2019.
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Also read: Kartik Aaryan insists on experiencing real moments of life