Taapsee Pannu and Anurag Kashyap’s properties were raided by the income tax department recently and post the raid, the IT department has issued a statement pointing at a discrepancy of around Rs300 crore. The department had started the raids on March 3 at film productions companies like Phantom Films, KWAN Talent Management Agency, Tappsee and Anurag’s residences in Mumbai and later it was found that there has been evidence of suppression of income by leading Film Production house compared to actual box office collections.
The Income Tax Department has found a discrepancy of around Rs300 crore and according to a report by ANI, the CBDT (Central Board Of Direct Taxes) has informed, “28 premises being covered in different locations which incl residences & offices. During search, evidence of suppression of income by leading Film Production house compared to actual box office collections unearthed. Discrepancy of around Rs 300 cr unearthed”
The report further reads, “Evidence related to manipulation,under-valuation of share transactions of the production house, having tax implication of about Rs. 350 cr found and is being further investigated.” Evidence of cash receipts by the Thappad actress, which is amounting to Rs 5 crore has been recovered.
The CBDT further informed, “Apart from this, non-genuine/bogus expenditure to related concerns by the leading producers/director having tax implication of about Rs 20 cr has been detected. Similar findings have been made in the case of the leading actress also. Search is continuing in all the premises.”
28 premises being covered in different locations which incl residences & offices. During search, evidence of suppression of income by leading Film Production house compared to actual box office collections unearthed. Discrepancy of around Rs 300 cr unearthed: CBDT
— ANI (@ANI) March 4, 2021
Apart from this, non-genuine/bogus expenditure to related concerns by the leading producers/director having tax implication of about Rs 20 cr has been detected. Similar findings have been made in the case of the leading actress also. Search is continuing in all the premises: CBDT
— ANI (@ANI) March 4, 2021
Stay tuned to this space for further updates.
Also Read: Taapsee Pannu and Anurag Kashyap allegedly grilled for 6 hours by Income Tax Department officials