Tanushree Dutta has been hitting the headlines with her controversial statements on the #MeToo movement. The actress has now come up with an open letter blasting Ajay Devgn for having worked with #MeToo accused Alok Nath in his upcoming film, ‘De De Pyaar De’. While Ajay has clarified time and again that the shoot of the film was long over before the allegations against Alok Nath came to the forefront, Tanushree refuses to stop harping on the same thing.
To top it all, Tanushree is lashing out at Ajay, who incidentally shares a really good rapport with her sister Ishita Dutta. Ajay, Kajol and his kids were spotted vacationing in London last year with Ishita and her husband Vatsal Seth. Tanushree could have easily spoken to Ajay directly about the issue rather than putting forth a rant against him via an open letter.
Check out her entire open letter right here:
Tinsel town is full of liars, showoffs and spineless hypocrites. And it seems by a large public consensus that the sign post is pointing currently at Ajay Devgn. During the #metoo movement in India the actor had tweeted and sworn never to work with those accused and now in a surprising and convenient turn of events is working with rape and harassment accused Alok Nath and supporting him make a comeback to Bollywood. Doesn’t this prove yet again that your big Bollywood heroes are truly zeroes! Overrated actors and human beings who have created a clout by clever PR machinery and careful manipulation of public sentiments, old stuffy morons who can’t tell the difference between what’s right and wrong and what is the need of the hour!
So would it be so difficult to just edit out Alok Nath’s portions in the film and hire someone else and reshoot those bits even before the film promotions started?? Nobody even knew before the posters and trailers that Alok Nath is in the film so if Ajay Devgn and the makers wanted they could have just quietly replaced him and re-shot his portions (which is barely 10-15 days for character actors in bollywood) and given Vinta Nanda the respect she deserves as well as several other women who were troubled by this guy but No! they had to keep the alleged rapist in their film and rub it on not only Vinta’s but on all our faces as a show of solidarity with all rapists, molesters and harassers of Bollywood and an even greater show of arrogance and defiance against all things morally and conscientiously right.
It’s time India wakes up and stops worshiping these morally bankrupt actors, directors, producers and others who clearly put on a facade of being family men just to promote their careers that they build on the tears of women like Vinta and others whom they silence using their muscle power. If you dig deep you will find skeletons in their closets so horrendous that it will totally make sense why they would stand supporting the accused rapists, harassers and abusers and why their conscience doesn’t prick them while doing so and why they give evasive answers when questioned. Birds of a feather always flock together and that’s why perhaps it doesn’t bother some of these people to work with a guy who has been accused by several women of horrendous behaviour and that’s why there’s always an excuse.
The law and order in India has always been skewed against the victims of sexual crimes and that’s why the criminals have always been out on bail, the burden of proof is always on the poor woman and hence justice in court has been a far fetched dream mostly apart from very few exceptions that too after years perhaps. But now we know that even the bigwigs of Bollywood not only love to support such creepy individuals but when u question them they give weird answers!
The disgrace is not in the question or the topic but in your own conscience and soul!! You are the disgrace!
I hope and pray that someday Bollywood can be free of such low lives enjoying the adulation of millions but socially so irresponsible. We need to have real heroes and heroines in Bollywood, real men and women who stand up for the dignity of helpless folks, be living examples of compassion, goodwill and heroism and make a real impact to the nation by using their power and position to help rather than derail movements such as #metoo and other causes and lead by example. Till then no option but to put up with these fake heroes and their even faker rag doll heroines!!
DISCLAIMER: The above open letter has been sent by Tanushree’s PR team, and has been just reproduced as it is with minor grammatical corrections.
Also Read: Ajay Devgn faces backlash on social media for working with Alok Nath in ‘De De Pyaar De’
Born a Movie Buff, working as a Film Critique and enjoying life as a Bollywood Reporter.
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