Recently the Bachchan family has been in a lot of news, regarding the apparent conflict between Aishwarya Rai and her mother in law Jaya Bachchan. First it was suggested that Aishwarya had a tiff with hubby at the high profile Ambani Bash, as Abhishek expressed displeasure over Aishwarya’s behavior towards his mother. Later it was also reported that at the same venue, how the two Jaya and Aishwarya avoided each other.
According to sources, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s spokesperson has completely denied all the reports about the tension brewing between the gorgeous actress and her mother-in-law and veteran actress Jaya Bachchan. “We think somebody is deliberately spreading these rumours. Such reports keep coming up and the Bachchans have been ignoring these for years. In fact, some time back there were rumours of their divorce and Abhishek had tweeted about it calling it utter rubbish.”
So what do you think is it true or just rumours ?