Abhishek Bachchan starrer The Big Bull released yesterday on Disney+Hostar premium and the movie has got mixed reviews. Fans can’t help but draw parallels between Hansal Mehta’s Scam 1992 from last year due to their similar plotlines. But Abhishek has been at the receiving end of online trolling since the day The Big Bull was announced. Netizens have been pouring in their reviews on social media after watching the movie and one of them called Abhishek’s acting third rate. The actor reacted to the post, but not without his witty comeback.
The user wrote, “As usual @juniorbachchan doesn’t disappoint you with his 3rd rate so called acting in a poorly scripted & badly filmed #TheBigBull @pratikg80 & #Scam1992 are far superior by miles.” To which Abhishek replied, “Hey man, as long as I’ve not disappointed you, I’m happy. Thank you for taking the time out to see our film. ??”
Earlier, another user had tweeted, “No wonder why one can never match the bar set by team #Scam1992 .. no unwanted rap song, only theme music.. no unnecessary drama, to the point writing.. and most important is the flavour ‘Gujarati ke upar kahani banane wala, act karnewala, direct karnewala … Sab Gujarati’” But the Manmarziyaan star gave a very humble reply as he wrote, “Hey, just came across this tweet. I’ve acted in #TheBigBull does it count if I love Gujarati food and my favourite restaurant is @gordhan_thal in Amdavad? Plus my manager is also Gujarati….. please say yes.”
Stay tuned to this space for more updates.
Also Read: Navya Naveli Nanda lauds uncle Abhishek Bachchan; calls him ‘The one and only Big Bull’