
The legendary superstar Rajinikanth, who is considered as the God of South cinema has now expressed his interest to join politics. Well yes, the humble actor has spoken up about joining politics in future if God wills. Speaking to a leading web portal, he said, “God decides what we have to do in life. Right now, he wants me to be an actor and I’m fulfilling my responsibility. If God willing, I will enter politics tomorrow. If I enter, I will be very truthful and will not entertain people who are in this to make money. I won’t work with such people.” (Also Read: Rajinikanth tweets he will miss his friend Vinod Khanna)


The 66-year-old actor opened up on his earlier stint with politics when in the year 1996, during the Tamil Nadu assembly elections, he denounced Jayalalithaa and her politics. He says, “I did a mistake by supporting a political alliance 21 years ago. It was a political accident. Since then, politicians have misused my name on several occasions. But I have to clarify, I’m not joining any party.” Apart from this, the actor had a strong message for all his fans about not smoking and drinking. He said, “Take care of your family and children. Don’t waste your life by smoking and drinking. Drinking and smoking not only affects your health but also your decision making ability. I have been affected enough so please take my advice seriously.”

On the work front, the actor will kickstart shooting for his untitled Tamil movie from May 28, 2017.