Film ‘Padmaavat’ has been in news for all the wrong reasons since it’s inception. The film starring Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor in lead faced protest during the shooting in Rajasthan because of which the shooting of the film had to be stalled for a few days. But, the film is now all set to hit theaters but the road seems to be a bumpy one. (Also Read: Padmaavat: Is Karni Sena now challenging Supreme Court’s decision over the film’s release?)
The film after a few modifications and change in the title is now all set to release on January 25.
Now since the film is releasing on January 25, with each passing day we hear news of how groups or individuals are staging the protest against the film as they don’t want the film to release. Today was no different as a youth in Bhilwara, Rajasthan climbed a 350 feet tall mobile tower with a bottle of petrol in his hand and threatened to burn himself. The protester said he will come down only when ‘Padmaavat’ is banned in the country. Here, have a look at the pictures of the protest :
A youth has climbed a 350 feet tall mobile tower with a bottle of petrol in Bhilwara; the protester is saying 'will come down only when #Padmaavat is banned in the country' #Rajasthan
— ANI (@ANI) January 22, 2018
India is a democratic country and every individual has a right to put forward his or her point. But staging such protest clearly is undemocratic as the Supreme Court of India has cleared the film and lifted ban from the states who had imposed it earlier. But looks like the protest against the films seems to have no end.
We wish the film has a peaceful release in the theaters just like any other film.