Bollywood producer and daily soap queen Ekta Kapoor is a maverick personality. Ekta is fiercely competitive and doesn’t back down from any challenge. Now, Ekta recently became a mother via surrogacy and has named her son Ravie Kapoor.
Ekta Kapoor was present at an event to promote her two new shows. The firebrand producer gave an interesting tid bit of information during the Q&A session. She said there was someone who was spending most of his recent nights at Ekta Kapoor’s house. Any guesses who the man is?
Well, it’s none other than her good friend Vikas Gupta. Interesting, isn’t it?
Watch the video:
Ekta Kapoor is one of the most successful producers across mediums and has a ruthless streak of hits. According to the latest reports, Ekta will be throwing a lavish and grand naamkaran (naming) ceremony at her residence on February 11.
Vikas Gupta is a very dear friend of Ekta Kapoor.
The ceremony will be truly a memorable event and many prominent personalities from Bollywood would be present to bless Ekta and baby Ravie in person. Being a mother is a wonderful experience and this will only enrich Ekta’s already accomplished life.
Ekta’s brother Tusshar Kapoor also has a son by the name of Laksshya Kapoor and Ekta is extremely close to her nephew. We wish Ekta Kapoor all the happiness in her personal as well as professional life.
Tusshar Kapoor’s son Laksshya will now have a baby brother to play with.
Stay tuned to Bollywood Bubble for latest news and updates.
Also Read: Ekta Kapoor shares a glimpse of baby Ravie ahead of naming ceremony
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