Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra recently met Sparsh Mehta, a very young musician with various medical conditions. The actor was absolutely taken aback by the wonder kid. He took to his Instagram and wrote, “Was happy to meet @shahsparsh and interact with this super talented individual. You’re a rockstar and an inspiration…. More power, love n luck to you”. Watch the video below, for that’s all the motivation that you need.
Sparsh Shah is a teen age singer, rapper and songwriter with over 130 fractures in his body. However, no number of fractures would be enough to break his spirit. He has been learning Hindustani classical for years, can speak English in four accents, has written over ten songs himself and raised thousands of dollars for charitable purpose. (Also Read: Sidharth Malhotra’s cool and casual look gets a big THUMBS UP from us!)
The Surat boy was born with a rare and incurable disease called Osteogenesis Imperfecta, and had broken over 30 bones of his body while exiting his mother’s womb. All the bones of his body are delicat and fragile to an extent that a less careless touch can break them.
But he is not the one to stop!
More power to this little superhero! 🙂
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.