Receiving a thumbs up from many of the B-Town celebs for the teasers of her upcoming release ‘Dear Zindagi’, seems like actress Alia Bhatt is planning a vacation with her family to celebrate a special occasion. The reason is her mother Soni Razdan‘s 60th birthday which falls today. Some time back, Alia had appeared on an episode of ‘Vogue BFFs’, with her father-filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt, and that’s where the revelation came.
While having a conversation with host Kamal Sidhu, the topic of Alia’s VOGUE cover shoot with co-star and rumoured boyfriend Sidharth Malhotra came up. Her dad Mahesh Bhatt was all praises for it, and suddenly, it clicked to Alia,that the place of shoot was Maldives.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt speaks about the reactions she got for working with Shah Rukh Khan in ‘Dear Zindagi’
Remembering about her mother Soni Razdan’s birthday, Alia immediately quipped to her father, “Where I’m taking you, by the way, for a holiday! It’s my mother’s birthday!” [sic]
Well, quite a sudden idea, we must say. But, whatever might be the reason, it would be quite interesting to see what the ‘2 States’ actress does for her mother on latter’s special day.
Isn’t that cute? Anyway, here’s how Alia wished her mother a very happy birthday.
Happy BDAY mommy @Soni_Razdan! A life time wouldn't be enough for me to express my love towards u. You define goodness, greatness, MAGIC! ✨✨
— Alia Bhatt (@aliaa08) October 25, 2016
They surely are the cutest mother-daughter duo.
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Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.