Tiger Shroff’s ‘Munna Michael’ opened at the box office with average collections and received mixed response. However, it has been a delightful expression for the actor. Besides collaborating with director Sabbir Khan who he is already familiar to, Tiger had another figure to constantly support and guide him. That’s none other than his sister Krishna Shroff.
We recently learned that Krishna was one of the assistants on the sets of the film, and would continuously keep a watch on her brother’s deliverance. In fact, Tiger termed her as the ‘second director’ for him. (Also Read: Tiger Shroff reveals why he will never play a negative role)
The maximum inputs come from Krishna. She has studied filmmaking, so she’s very intellectual in that sense. The best piece of advice she gave me was, ‘Don’t overdo it, and just be in the character. Don’t do too much, don’t do too little.’ Thankfully, after Munna Michael, she didn’t have much to say, because she was there on the sets all the time,” he told HT.
“Every time I was unsure about a particular scene, she’d always be there to support and guide me, because she could see how it looked on the monitor screen. She’d tell me things like how Nawazji was reacting, what was happening in the background, what I shouldn’t do in empty spaces, and how I could improvise,” the actor added.
His equation with Krishna? “If you ask me, obviously I’m the kind of guy who just wants to wrap his sister in a blanket, because I am an over-protective brother. I know that after saying this, people will react and say, ‘Oh, he’s a sexist,’ and I’ll be called all sorts of names. But I don’t care, because people like to perceive things in their own way,” he answered.
Ummm… we aren’t judging, are we?
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.