The trailer of Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif‘s upcoming film ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’ has set the internet on fire. Within hours it managed to break records by garnering millions of views on YouTube and social media and we must say that it’s still holding strong by trending on several platforms. From the action to drama to romance, ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’ has all the elements to be a hit. At least that’s what we derive from the trailer. Especially the stunts in the film seem well crafted and going by the director Ali Abbas Zafar’s latest post on Twitter, one can see that a lot of hard work was put in to get the desired result. (Also Read: Katrina spots Tiger aka Salman lazing around)
Ali’s latest post reveals how each and every stunt in the film was first created on storyboard and how the makers managed to achieve the same in real. It’s astonishing to know that makers managed to get exactly what they had visualised for ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’.
Here’s Ali’s post:
Source: Twitter
Produced by Yash Raj Films, ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’ is going to release on December 22, 2017.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.