Actor Emraan Hashmi is currently busy shooting for his first home production ‘Cheat India’ in Lucknow. The film is also co-produced by Bhushan Kumar, Tanuj Garg and Atul Kasbekar. Amidst the busy shooting schedule, the actor took some time off for a much-needed breather.
Sharing a picture from his short break, the actor took to his Twitter account and wrote, “At the movies. #MI6. Much needed breather from our shoot schedule in Lucknow . #CheatIndia. And new found respect for @TomCruise. Bravo!!!”
You can check his post below:
At the movies. #MI6. Much needed breather from our shoot schedule in lucknow . #CheatIndia. And new found respect for @TomCruise. Bravo!!!
— emraan hashmi (@emraanhashmi) August 4, 2018
Looks like Tom Cruise’s latest release ‘Mission: Impossible – Fallout’ helped the actor rewind as well as inspire him.
Earlier talking about shooting in Lucknow for the first time, the actor was quoted saying to Mumbai Mirror, “I’m glad that my first home production is about a subject that is topical, relevant and volatile. Every Indian student and parent will relate to it. This is the first time I’m shooting in Uttar Pradesh so it’s a different milieu for me. I’ve been reading extensively with the team members, most of whom hail from the region. Even the look-referencing is being done meticulously. I have great production partners, so I am feeling like a stress-free actor and producer.”
‘Cheat India’ stars debutante Shreya Dhanwanthary, opposite Emraan in the film. The film is scheduled to hit the silver screens on January 25, 2019.
Also Read: Emraan Hashmi’s ‘Cheat India’ goes on floors in Lucknow
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