Actress Rani Mukherjee and Aditya Chopra remained tight-lipped about their relationship. But on Tuesday they declared to the world of having got married in Italy on April 21. The marriage ceremony was attended by close relatives only. But what led to the hush hush marriage between the two is what most of us have been wondering.
As per sources, it seems that last week Bollywood actress Rani Mukerji’s father was hospitalised following major heart-condition after his pacemaker collapsed. While on the hospital bed, Rani’s father Ram Mukerji was quite worried about his deteriorating condition and wanted his daughter to be settled before anything happens to him.
Aditya Chopra asked him about his worries to which he replied, “I only wish to see my daughter married before I die”. Adi promised Ram that he would see Rani getting married to him and the he’ll (Ram) be there to bless the couple.
Sooner the arrangements were made and both the Mukerji and Chopra’s immediate family members including, Pam Chopra, Uday Chopra, Ram & Krishna Mukerji, Raja Mukerji and couple’s best friend Karan Johar boarded the flight to Italy taking along with them a family pundit.
We are sure that Mr Mukerji must be a pleased man today to see his daughter settled in life.