Bollywood singer, Tulsi Kumar who is currently bagging many accolades for her recent release song ‘O Saki Saki’, was caught up spilling the beans on his her experience in the glamour world of Bollywood. The beautiful lady reveals that while giving her audition in front on Anu Malik, she was actually shivering.
Tulsi Kumar was here with Bollywood Bubble, with Nora Fatehi where both the ladies caught up spilling the beans on recreating the magic of ‘O Saki Saki’, as Tulsi has lent her voice for the reprised version of the song and Nora has given her sizzling dance steps on the peppy beats.
While playing a fun segment called ‘My Firsts’ Nora and Tulsi were asked about their first-ever audition experiences. To this Tulsi replied saying, “My first audition was in front of Anu Malik and I was actually shivering in front of him because I was actually auditioning in front of the Anu Malik. And everyone is really scared of him. I still am, but yeah that’s my first audition.”
Nora went on to add, “It’s really confusing because I kept thinking that my first audition was in India. For a biscuit brand for an ad, which was a horrible audition. But then actually that was not. My real audition technically was at some workshop place in America, in front of many many agencies,” Check out the fun video right here:
On the work front, Anu Malik is said to be gearing up for his comeback on a Television singing reality show. Malik remained as one of the judges on the TV show ‘Indian Idol’ throughout each season till it ended. The music composer has been on a long break apparently, since the time the #MeToo allegations were brought forward against him.
Also Read: Amaal Mallik vs Anu Malik: An open letter over song credit issues
Journalist by profession, having roots in Bollywood & Television. Perennially hungry for all thing Fashion. A good listener and attracted by the glitter of glamour world. I believe in maniacs…. Love, Smile & Blossom.
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