Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan’s attack has created a shock wave in the industry. As per the latest development in his stabbing case. Mumbai police have reportedly found that none of the 19 fingerprints that were collected from Saif Ali Khan’s residence were seen to match those of Shariful Islam Shehzad.
Fingerprints found at the actor’s Bandra residence do not match Shariful Islam Shehzad
The accused, Shariful Islam Shehzad, is a Bangladeshi national who was arrested for allegedly attacking the actor at his residence. His sample did not match the fingerprints found at the actor’s Bandra residence.
Saif Ali Khan’s case is becoming murkier with each passing day. According to Mid-Day reports, the State Criminal Investigation Department (CID), which submitted negative reports on the fingerprint samples of Shariful, gave a setback to the Mumbai Police amid buzz on social media that the wrong individual had been arrested.
It was earlier suspected by the people that the man seen on the CCTV footage of Saif’s building and the man arrested were two different individuals.
A Mid-Day source also confirmed that after Shariful’s fingerprints were submitted to the CID’s fingerprint bureau for analysis, the bureau verified in a report created by the system that none of the 19 fingerprints found at the crime site matched Shariful’s. On Friday, the report was forwarded to the CID Superintendent in Pune.
The Mumbai Police East region team led by DCP Navnath Dhavale of Zone 6, had arrested Shariful. However, according to the report, which cited sources, the team had limited information on the case because the Zone 9 team was handling it originally.
About Saif Ali Khan’s attack case
The incident happened at Saif Ali Khan’s Bandra home when an intruder confronted his maid. The actor suffered many stab wounds as a result of the violent struggle that broke out when Saif tried to step in and defuse the situation.
Saif Ali Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent surgery under the supervision of a team of doctors. His team confirmed on Thursday afternoon that he was out of danger and had been moved to the ICU. As per the latest updates, Saif’s friend Afsar Zaidi brought him to Lilavati Hospital on the day of the incident. Lilavati Hospital completed the admission process at 4:11 AM on January 16. According to his medical report, Saif Ali Khan sustained injuries in five areas, including his back, wrist, neck, shoulder, and elbow. The injuries ranged in size from 0.5 cm to 15 cm.
Mumbai police after investigating the case arrested a suspect connected to the attack. He was identified as Mohammed Shariful Islam Shehzad, a 30-year-old Bangladeshi national who illegally entered India and changed his name to Vijay Das.