Of late, Twitter has not been too good to Priyanka Chopra. Her picture with Narendra Modi called for too much attention and not for good reasons. The Twitteratis had a problem with the actress’ so-called ‘indecent’ attire, while meeting the Prime Minister of India. And now, her selfie at Holocaust Memorial in Berlin has again called for trouble. PeeCee, who was in Berlin promoting her Hollywood debut film ‘Baywatch’, visited the Holocaust Memorial with her brother. She clicked selfies with him and posted it on social media. Within no time, Twitteratis started slamming her for clicking pictures at a place which stands to remind everyone of the horror that took place there, i.e. the genocide of Jews during World War. Considering the sensitivity of the subject, the actress soon deleted the pictures.
Check out some of the tweets criticising the actress below.
Work wise, Priyanka Chopra has apparently signed three projects in Bollywood. She also has one Hollywood film in her kitty. Plus, there is the third season of ‘Quantico’ wherein Alex Parrish aka Priyanka Chopra will reprising her lead role. (Also Check: Legs it is! Priyanka Chopra has a sassy reply for all the trolls who tried to shame her)
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.