Bollywood actor Uday Chopra has come up with a unique way of expressing his love this Valentine. The actor has truly come out with an out of box idea to convey his feelings to his alleged love Nargis Fakhri. The Dhoom star tweeted a picture of himself after a gym session that had a heart formed on his t-shirt with sweat. It was captioned with these words, “On Valentine’s Day, I even sweat hearts for you… @NargisFakhri.”
Uday Chopra tweeted ,
On Valentine's Day, I even sweat hearts for you… @NargisFakhri
— Uday Chopra (@udaychopra) February 14, 2016
The ‘Rockstar’ beauty soon replied to Uday’s romantic Valentine tweet with, “@udaychopra haha that’s pretty cool.”
@udaychopra haha that's pretty cool. ??
— Nargis (@NargisFakhri) February 14, 2016
Uday Chopra and Nargis Fakhri’s On now and off again romance, has made headlines a number of times. The alleged couple who were caught on camera too while attending events and even on vacation have never confessed it to the media.
Also Read: Riteish Deshmukh, Nargis Fakhri team up for Eros next
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