Governor of Maharashtra, Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari, recently felicitated some of the veteran actors and singers from the industry. Ramayan fame actress Dipika Chikhlia, veteran singers Udit Narayan, Kumar Sanu and Bhajan singer Anup Jalota, were some of the celebs felicitated by Maharashtra Governor. Dipika shared a few pictures from the event as she expressed her gratitude on being honored by the Governor of Maharashtra,
The Ramayan actress took to her Instagram handle and sharing a few pictures from the event that took place in Raj Bhavan, she captioned them as, “Felicitated by the the governor Shri Bhagat Koshiyariji in Raj Bhavan Mumbai ….along with many dignitaries ….Udit Narayan ji , Anup Jalota ji, Kumar Sanu ji (sic).”
You can check her post below:
In the pictures, Dipika was flanked by Sanu, Udit and Jalota as they all smiled for the shutterbugs. The Bhajan singer and former Bigg Boss contestant Anup Jalota also shared a picture from the event and wrote, “Received India Icon award today from Governor of Maharashtra. Udit Narain, Kumar Shanu and Dipika ji(sic).”
These celebs were conferred with the title of Made In India Icons 2021. Here’s a clip from the event that took place recently.
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PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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