Parineeti Chopra has managed to create a special space for herself in Bollywood with her talent and continuous struggle. Ever since she made her debut with the film ‘Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl’, the actress has managed to woo us over with her glorious acting in films. And today, the ‘Namaste England’ actress is celebrating her 3oth Birthday.
As Parineeti Chopra turns 3o today, we have rounded up a few unheard facts about Pari and her life. These facts about Parineeti Chopra definitely prove that she is undoubtedly one of the most talented and gorgeous divas of the industry today. Have a look here below…
- Parneeti Chopra primarily never wanted to become an actress. But the multi-talented actress joined Yash Raj Films as a PR and Marketing consultant in 2009. She later got back to pursuing her dream of becoming an actor and has now become the popular face in the industry.
2. The ‘Ishaqzaade’ actress is also trained as a singer as she also has completed her BA (Hons) in music.
3. Parineeti Chopra is a dearest friend of the national tennis player, Sania Mirza. She has even worked with football club Manchester United during her college days in U.K.
4. The leading lady has done B-Hons in Business (Finance, and Economics) from Manchester Business School. And reportedly she was also interested of becoming an investment banker.
5. Parineeti Chopra was rewarded by the then President of the country when she stood first all over India in 12th-grade exams.
6. Despite being a top student from school days, Parineeti Chopra couldn’t clear any of her interviews in London and decided to return back to her homeland, India after feeling dejected.
7. The topper, Parineeti is fond of gadgets and she often keeps changing her mobile and its accessories.
8. Parineeti, who once played a role of an aspiring shoe designer (Gullu) in ‘Daawat-e-Ishq’ in 2014, also loves spending money on her shoes in real-life. She has a good collection of expensive shoes and trendy footwears.
9. The celebs who endorse certain brand are bonded within their terms and policies. And the actors can only endorse one product at a time of similar use. Parineeti Chopra has become the first Indian actor to promote two major brands at the same time. She did the endorsement for Maaza, a Coke’s product and Kurkure, a Pepsi’s product.
10. The ace actress debuted with ‘Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl’ opposite Ranveer Singh, but the film could not grab good numbers on Box Office. However, the actress was awarded with 10 consecutive best debutant award for her performance in the film.
 Also Read: Parineeti Chopra on Priyanka and Nick: She is full of life and crazy and he is the anchor in her life
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