Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas recently celebrated the first-month anniversary of their fairytale wedding. After dating for a few months the ‘Quantico’ actress tied the knot with the American singer-songwriter Nick Jonas in December 2018. The lovebirds have recently returned back to their house in Los Angeles after enjoying a romantic honeymoon in the Caribbean.
Priyanka and Nick’s extravagant wedding festivities were attended by prominent personalities including Priyanka’s friend Bozoma Saint John. It’s has been more than a month of their wedding but still, there are lots of photos from Priyanka and Nick’s wedding yet to be seen by their fans.
Taking to social media, Bozoma shared several unseen pictures from Priyanka-Nick’s wedding celebration. In one of the photos shared by Bozoma, the stunning Priyanka is seen waving goodbye while Nick is blowing a flying kiss at her. The picture is being widely liked and shared on social media.
The pics capture the bonhomie and love between NickYanka and also their friends and family members.
Check out Unseen Pictures of Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ wedding:
Ever since the photos started doing the rounds on the internet fans have been pouring comments like “OMG they are looking so beautiful, the look and love in their eyes” and “Awww….jst luk at our National jiju’s love struck face….Super cute.” Check out the viral photo below.
After hosting three receptions for family, close friends and the film fraternity the lovebirds were spotted vacationing along with their family members in Switzerland. Following that, Nick and Priyanka flew to the Caribbean for their honeymoon. They are currently spending quality times in Los Angeles, California.
On the work front, Priyanka’s third Hollywood film ‘Isn’t It Romantic’ is all set to release in February. The film is directed by Todd Strauss-Schulson and stars Rebel Wilson, Liam Hemsworth and Adam DeVine in the lead role. Apart from Hollywood, Priyanka will also be seen sharing the screen space with Farhan Akhtar in the movie ‘The Sky Is Pink’.
The biographical drama also features Zaira Wasim and Rohit Saraf in key roles. It is based on the story of motivational speaker Aisha Chaudhary.
We wish Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas a lifetime of happiness.
Also Read: In Pics: Newlyweds Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas walk hand in hand in LA
Omair Iqbal is a journalist who loves to discover new things on the internet. He is an enthusiastic movie lover.
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