Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt are leaving no stone unturned to promote their upcoming venture, ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania’ in the best way possible. The two actors have been attending events and chat shows and today being the day of love, Varun and Alia were heard making their respective relationships official.
Yes, that is true. The couple recently made an appearance on ‘Koffee With Karan 5’, where they were heard hinting about each other’s relationships. While Varun is allegedly dating a girl from outside the industry, Natasha Dalal, Alia is said to be in a relationship with Sidharth Malhotra, their ‘Student Of The Year’ co-star. While they have always denied that they are dating their respective alleged partners, for Valentine’s Day, when the duo was asked by a leading daily whether they are in love currently, their answer was surprising. Varun said, “Am I in love? Yes,” Alia’s reply was, “Yes.” (Also Read: Varun Dhawan has a plan of eloping with THIS Bollywood actress)
That sure is a huge revelation. We, however still wait for them to inform us who their loved ones are. We wish for that information to come out soon too.
Directed by Shashank Khaitan, ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania’ is slated to hit the theatres on March 10, 2017.