A few days ago actor Varun Dhawan had shared a picture of a girl who will be seen opposite him in filmmaker Shoojit Sircar’s ‘October’. However, the picture was not a clear one and the girl’s face was blurred making it difficult to identify her. And finally, Varun took to Twitter to announce that his female lead in ‘October’ is none other than model Banita Sandhu, who will be making her Bollywood debut with this film.
Indeed, there couldn’t have been a better launchpad for the actress with a storyteller like Shoojit Sircar and opposite a heartthrob like Varun Dhawan. We are eagerly waiting to catch this fresh onscreen pairing between Varun and Banita that we will get to witness on the big screen.
But here’s an interesting fact you might not know about the duo. Varun and Banita share a connection even before they were signed for ‘October’. (Also Read: Here’s what Varun Dhawan has to say on being compared to Salman Khan)
Yes, before entering films, Banita Sandhu was a model who has been a popular face for her work in Doublemint’s song ‘Ek Ajnabee Haseena Se’ and even a commercial with Vodafone. For the uninitiated, this song ‘Ek Ajnabee Haseena Se’ is a romantic number from film ‘Ajnabee’ (1974) which was originally featured on veteran actors Rajesh Khanna and Zeenat Aman. And you won’t believe that it was the same song that links Banita with her first co-star Varun.
If we look at the actors filmography, his 2015 release ‘Badlapur’ had Varun singing a few lines of the same song ‘Ek Ajnabee Haseena Se’ in a scene where he gives a lift to actress Radhika Apte. Undoubtedly, ‘Badlapur’ is one of the most intense performances of Varun to date in his filmography, and this particular sequence is surely one of the crucial scenes to the plot which even makes us recall this beautiful number sung by him.
Talking about their film ‘October’, it is said to be a rom-com and is slated to release on June 1, 2018.
Have a look at Varun Dhawan and Banita Sandhu’s ‘Ek Ajnabee Haseena Se’ connection:
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.