Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal have finally tied the knot. Mr and Mrs Dhawan had everyone on the edge waiting to see them. Varun took to his Instagram account to share the first pictures from his wedding and they are absolutely dreamy. Varun and Natasha came out to greet the paparazzi who were camping outside the wedding venue in Alibaug and Varun had the sweetest request that made his wifey Natasha blush.
As soon as Varun and Natasha stepped out for their first appearance, the photographers screamed Varun and Natasha’s name along with congratulatory wishes. Varun being the protector made a humble yet cute request to the paps. Varun asked the paps to calm down as they might scare Natasha, he said, “Aaram se, woh darr jayegi.” This left Natasha blushing red.
Check out Varun and Natasha after their wedding below:
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The wedding took place at The Mansion House in Alibaug in presence of their family and friends. Later, the couple will reportedly throw a grand wedding reception in Mumbai for their industry friends as they couldn’t invite them at the wedding due to the Covid-19 precautions.
Also Read: Varun Dhawan’s caption for his wedding pics with Natasha Dalal is beyond adorable; check it out