Actor John Abraham on Thursday said that after he and his ‘Dishoom’ co-star Jacqueline Fernandez fell ill recently during the promotions of the film, their co-star Varun Dhawan has also fallen ill now.
“I think in the last 5-6 days, Varun, me and Jacqueline have been really aggressive, we’ve been promoting this film. And Varun’s finally fallen ill; it was me two weeks ago and he was boasting about not falling ill and finally he is down with sickness.”
“Jacqueline has not been well for the longest time, because when you travel and there is viral in the air, it’s not easy,” John said at an event for nutritional drink Sofit, as part of the promotions of the film.
Varun and Jacqueline were also supposed to be a part of the event. Recently, John had promoted the film on radio stations despite being ill as Jacqueline was absent due to her illness.
He added, “Varun and Jacqueline, to give them credit, have been fantastic in promotion, so I am not going to take anything away from them. But we landed late night from Ahmedabad, and I promise they are gone, they’re finished and the only guy who has energy to do more is me right now. So I am going to go on and on and on and that’s fantastic for everyone. It has been a fantastic experience promoting this film.”
The trio had recently performed a live stunt similar to their helicopter stunt in the film. They have also been seen at numerous reality shows, radio stations, colleges, fitness events, across cities for the launch of their trailer, songs and interviews, along with promotion through their Twitter and Facebook profiles.
About the hectic promotions, John said, “At the end of the day, a good film will work. You can promote as much as you want but if your film is not good, the audience smells it out, the film won’t work. I think promotion is important to an extent. I don’t think you need to go all over the place or all out.”
‘Dishoom’ releases on Friday.
Inputs by IANS
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.