One of the most dedicated heroes in B-Town currently is Varun Dhawan. In the past we have heard stories of him getting injured and despite his injuries he has continued with the shoot. Once again the handsome hunk has given us the glimpse of his dedication. Varun injured his arm recently while shooting for an advertisement in Mehboob studios. An insider revealed this story and said, “Varun was shooting for an ad for a television channel on Thursday and performing a stunt that went wrong. He had to slide down from a pole between two floors, but he suddenly slipped and fell. He bruised his hand and elbow badly. He was immediately rushed to the nearest hospital in Bandra. But the dedicated actor he is, instead of canceling his shoot and going home, he went back to the studios and completed his shoot. Only after wrapping it up, did he go home.”
Varun’s father David Dhawan confirmed this news later. “Yes, Varun was shooting for an ad in Mehboob when he got injured. He is a very enthusiastic and an involved actor who loves doing all his stunts himself. While his mother Lally knew he was injured, I didn’t know he had hurt himself till my wife told me about it at night. Varun’s better now, but as parents we get very worried when something happens to our children,” quoted a worried father. (Also Read: Varun Dhawan shares his thoughts over link-up rumours with Alia Bhatt)
All’s well that ends well.
Meanwhile, here’s one funny video by Varun. He is suffering cough and here’s how he is dealing with it.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.