Varun Dhawan, who was present at the Femina Miss India last night, clearly had a blast. The actor was seen performing on stage with the beauties of the evening and posting a picture of the same, he quoted, “Trying to look taller then the girls. So much fun at #FeminaMissIndia. For me they all are winners”
Trying to look taller then the girls. So much fun at #FeminaMissIndia. For me they all are winners
— Varun Dhawan (@Varun_dvn) April 9, 2016
Not just this, the actor also had his own Karan Arjun moment. Varun was seen clicking selfies with the stars present on the occasion and one of his selfies was with Arjun Kapoor and Karan Johar.
With @karanjohar @arjunk26 #karanarjun
— Varun Dhawan (@Varun_dvn) April 9, 2016
Varun looked all excited.
The actor will next be seen in ‘Dishoom’ alongwith John Abraham and Jacqueline Fernandez
Also Read: Varun Dhawan and Karan Johar to reunite in Karan’s next?
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