Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon are all set to reunite on screen after 7 years in Amar Kaushik’s Bhediya and the film’s trailer that the team released about a week ago, has been getting some amazing response from all over. The audiences have lauded the film’s intriguing setting, the VFX and the performances in the trailer, and now the makers of Bhediya are all set to release the first song from the film, Thumkeshwari, and they did it today with an intriguing teaser.
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Taking to social media, the makers of Bhediya released a special teaser from the upcoming song Thumkeshwari featuring some interesting stills from the song. Varun and Kriti look extremely hot in the pictures as the actor sports a maroon shirt and a shrug, while Kriti looks sizzling in her pink outfit. The stills indicate that it is indeed going to be a peppy track and considering how amazing both Varun and Kriti are as dancers, they will surely set the stage on fire when the song releases tomorrow.
Check out the teaser of Thumkeshwari here:
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Bhediya marks the third film in Dinesh Vijan’s horror universe after Stree and Roohi, and it is being helmed by Amar Kaushik who has previously directed Stree as well. Apart from Varun and Kriti, Bhediya also features Abhishek Banerjee and Deepak Dobriyal and the creature comedy tells the story of Bhaskar, played by Varun, who is bitten by a wolf one night and then started transforming into a werewolf every night. How he figures his way out of it or learns to deal with it forms for the story. Bhediya releases theatrically on November 25, 2022 in 2D and 3D.
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