Varun Dhawan, who made his Bollywood debut with director-producer Karan Johar’s ‘Student Of The Year’ in 2012, has been ruling the industry since then. The actor is currently one of the bankable actors in the industry as Varun has as many as nine hit films under his name since his debut.
But looks like the ‘Badlapur’ actor doesn’t share the same perspective we have about him.
Recently, the actor in a candid interview with Hindustan Times was asked about this record of his, having nine hit films and no flops in his small Bollywood career, Varun said that it is not easy to be at the top. He quoted,
Not at all! It’s very difficult to keep all this going. There’s no time for family or loved ones and that’s worse than anything in the world — to let down my mom or dad, because I can’t give them time; to let down any cousin who’s unwell and I’m not able to see them… that’s way more disheartening than anything else. I just feel that now, I’m not there [for them] anymore. I’m there for the public in a way, and I’m working for them and giving them what they expect. So, being successful is a double-edged sword. It’s not possible to have it all. Aakhir mein kuchh na kuchh toh kam pad hi jaata hai (After all, you do fall short somewhere). No matter how hard I try, I do end up disappointing a lot of people and I know I have to live with that.
Well, looks like Varun is being extra hard on himself and he should just calm down and take a chill pill. (Also Read: Varun gives a hilarious twist to ‘Theher Ja’ while chilling with Varun)
On the work front, apart from ‘October’ which is all set to hit theaters soon, Varun will next be seen in ‘Sui Dhaaga: Made in India’ opposite Anushka Sharma. The actor will be seen sharing the screen space for the first time with Katrina Kaif in a dance-based film directed by Remo D’souza which will go on floors by the end of this year.