Today marks Varun Dhawan completing 10 years in the Hindi film industry with his debut film Student Of The Year clocking in on a decade. But this day turned extra special for Varun Dhawan as along with completing a decade in showbiz, today he also launched the trailer of his upcoming creature comedy Bhediya. The event turned into a celebration of the actor crossing this amazing milestone, and thus a lot of stories were also shared by the actor from all those years ago.
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While interacting with the media at the trailer launch, Varun revealed what all was going on in his mind a day before the release of Student Of The Year. With his signature charm, he shared, “I didn’t sleep that night. My father (David Dhawan) woke up before anyone else. I did a little prayer in the temple with my mom. My mom used to tell me so many things. There were a lot of butterflies in my stomach. I don’t think too much has changed since then, as I am nervous even now.”
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In the decade that he has been a part of the industry, Varun has had quite a tremendous success rate at the box office. Commercially, he has given some of the biggest hits with Judwaa 2, Badrinath Ki Dulhania, but at the same time, he has also done films exploring his acting capabilities with projects like Badlapur, Sui Dhaaga and October.
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The actor has had quite an illustrious 10 years in the industry and with his next, Bhediya, he aims to do something new and different yet again. The trailer of the film has been quite appreciated and loved by the audience and it has increased the intrigue around it, and now they just await its release on November 25, 2022. Apart from that, Varun also has Bawaal with Janhvi Kapoor and Ekkis in the pipeline.
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Also Read: Varun Dhawan roars as he turns into a fearless werewolf in Bhediya trailer