Veteran actor, Vinod Khanna, who is known for his films like ‘Amar Akbar Anthony’, ‘Chandni’ and many more, has been hospitalised. As per reports, the actor has been admitted to HN Reliance Foundation and Research Centre in Girgaon, Mumbai.
The reason for his admission to the hospital is yet unknown and his family members are not willing to share much details over the same. But an insider revealed that there’s nothing to worry about his health, and he is recovering. This close associate quoted to Indian Express and said, “I am not allowed to reveal anything but Vinod ji is getting better and there is nothing serious. We are just wishing that he is out of the hospital soon.”
Further, an official from hospital too confirmed that Vinod Khanna’s health is improving. He said, “He was admitted on Sunday, April 2, and not on Friday, March 31 (some reports came in that the veteran actor was hospitalised on Friday). Also, the patient’s family members have asked us not to reveal more details, but there is definitely an improvement in Vinod Khannaji’s health.”
We wish the star a speedy recovery.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.