Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif is all set to tie the knot at Six Senses fort in Rajasthan on December 9. The pre-wedding festivities commenced on Tuesday. The couple celebrated their Haldi ceremony on December 07. Reportedly Vicky Kaushal Katrina Kaif Mehendi ceremony is scheduled for today. Vicky Kaushal’s family has special plans for bahu Katrina Kaif’s Mehendi.
Katrina and Vicky’s Mehendi ceremony would be exceptional since both sides of the family will be present. Vicky has a big Punjabi family, and they all looking forward to welcoming Katrina. The henna for the mehendi has been sourced specially from Sojat in Rajasthan. Reportedly it costs around ₹ 50,000- 1 lakh.
As reported by sources to PTI, “Katrina and Vicky will celebrate the Mehendi ceremony with both sides of the family. Vicky has a big, loving and warm Punjabi family on his side. His chacha, Chachi, mama, mami are all looking forward to officially welcome Katrina into the family.”
Yesterday the couple had their sangeet ceremony, the Punjabi flavour began with ladies sangeet’ organized by Vicky’s mother Veena Kaushal.
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A source told Bollywood Life, “Veena ji is very fond of Katrina. And while there will be the big Sangeet night later today, she wanted to do something more intimate and special. So she organized a small Ladies Sangeet ceremony just like the typical traditional Punjabi style. There were dholki’s that the women from Vicky’s family played. They sang some Punjabi folk songs. Katrina also danced a little to the Punjabi songs on dholki beats. She was smiling throughout.”