Vicky Kaushal is one of the most sought-after actors currently in Bollywood. Making his debut with ‘Masaan’, Vicky has created a niche for himself. His acting grabbed the attention of many big directors and he went on to sign some of great films that might not be commercial hits, but fetched Vicky rave reviews for his stupendous performance. This year has been a great year for the 30-year-old actor as he charmed the audience with his pathbreaking performances in ‘Raazi’, ‘Sanju’ and ‘Manmarziyaan’.
If we look at movies of Vicky from the very beginning, we notice that his movies have a very strong script. One of the reasons is that Vicky is very cautious while choosing a script for his movie. In an exclusive interview with us, the ‘Raazi’ actor told us that the first thing he looks before signing a movie is the script. He said, “In a script, I see whether the story is affecting me or not. I don’t read the script as an actor who has been approached for the film. I read the script as the audience who has paid 300 bucks to watch this film. Then I look at the role that is offered to me. I should be moved by the script.”
Also talking about his evolution as an actor, Vicky said, “I have grown as an actor. I would like to believe that there has been a growth in me as an actor, my confidence in me and just fluidity as an actor. With every film, I have come to know about my strength and weaknesses. So you become more aware of yourself as an actor and that awareness is also a good thing.”
We are eagerly looking forward to ‘URI’ to see Vicky in a never-seen-before avatar. Also starring Yami Gautam, the movie is based on the surgical strike by Indian Army on terrorist camps in 2016. It is slated to release on January 11.
Also Read: Vicky Kaushal and Yami Gautam pay visit to Uri martyrs in Lucknow